From Gravity to Grace
From Gravity to Grace

From Gravity to Grace

I just finished reading Chapter 9 in the gospel of John. It was the story of Jesus healing and giving sight to a man who had been born blind. The people there at the time didn’t know what to think. Some were excited and grateful to God. Others were confused and angry and suspicious of what kind person Jesus really was because He had healed someone on the Sabbath. In their limited understanding, many thought doing anything other than nothing on the Sabbath was a violation of God’s law.

After reading the story, I began talking to Jesus and Father, thanking Them for being willing to come to earth in the form of a human (a form we humans can see, understand and relate to) in order to show us what our Father is really like. To show us how He actually feels about us, what’s truly important to Him, and what He originally created our lives to look like.

It dawned on me in that moment that our Father exists in a form that we cannot comprehend or grasp as humans and that everything He created was created according to the principles of His kingdom. That’s why He had to come to us as a human Himself. Before anything was created, He had already defined what was right, what was wrong (wrong simply being a violation of right), what was good, and what was evil (evil simply being a departure from good).

Everything He made, He made according to the way His kingdom works. However, even the term “kingdom” is a human construct. When we think of a kingdom, we probably have a very specific image in our mind of what that is. Again though, our Father’s kingdom is not defined or limited by what we imagine a kingdom to be.

We must be careful to not assume our Father only operates within the framework of what we can understand. Our Father has literally designed every intricate aspect of how life works, from gravity to grace. That’s why following Jesus is the best way to learn who our Father is and what real living actually looks like.

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