When we judge or condemn others for their failures and shortcomings, we create in our own minds a reality that disregards, ignores, or even despises the true reality of love, grace, and forgiveness Jesus offers to everyone…including us. It can cause us to devalue His love and forgiveness for us, which results in us living our own lives feeling condemned, guilty, and inferior. That’s not what Jesus wants for us.
When we find ourselves judging someone, let’s pause for second, own it and intentionally replace our judgement with empathy. We all fail (and fail BIG) sometimes. When we find ourselves condemning someone, let’s pause, own it and intentionally replace our condemnation with forgiveness. We all need it. Jesus is perfect and holy, yet still forgives us instantly and completely. Instead of making ourselves greater than Jesus by refusing to forgive, let’s follow His lead and become more like Him. And you know what? He’ll help you do it.